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FAQs for hosting the

Church Safety for Today Seminar

Setting a Watch will coordinate with the host church when contacting representatives including firearms trainers, first responder organizations (such as the Red Cross), insurance companies, or local attorneys. Setting a Watch encourages representatives from these organizations to attend the seminar, set up a table and inform attendees about their services. 


If your church leadership or a member knows a representative, we encourage them to invite that representative.  If not, Setting a Watch will look for representatives in your area and call them to inform them of the seminar and invite them to attend.  Representatives are not charged by Setting A Watch for attendance.

You DO NOT pay us to come.  You are NOT asked to pay for travel, housing or meals.  We realize hosting an all day seminar can be a large task in and of itself, and we appreciate your partnership by providing a site to hold the seminar.


Setting a Watch Ministries charges the individual attendees of the seminar: $50 preregistration or $65 at the door. The host church will receive two free leadership seats just for hosting the seminar and an additional free seat for every twenty preregistered seats.

What about lunch?

As the seminar runs all day, Setting a Watch encourages churches to consider providing lunch on site.  Churches may charge an additional fee for the meal; however, Setting a Watch will not collect meal money.

How can we find representatives to attend the seminar?
How much does this seminar cost?
What do we ask of the host?

Setting A Watch asks a host church provide an auditorium capable of holding up to 150 people at least. Because we do not charge a travel fee for this seminar, we also ask that before setting up a seminar you feel confident that you can get at least 100 people to attend. If attendance falls short, however, we will still come.


We will bring a projector, but do ask to use your sound system if one is installed in your facility.


Finally, the host church is responsible to promote the seminar to the local area. Setting a Watch can provide flyers and brochures, but getting creative and spreading the word is up to you.  Remember we want to reach across denominations and include local Christian schools, mission boards, and any other ministry.

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